Bank-e-Millie Afghan

Bank-e-Millie Afghan (BMA) was the first financial institution established in Afghanistan in 1933. Similarly, it was the first financial institution established in a public private partnership set up with 72% share held by private sector and 28% share held by Government Sector. As a first bank in Afghanistan it is celebrating its 90th years of fame. BMA introduced formal banking services to the people and government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Since then, the banks competitive strength and ongoing market leadership philosophy lays in its strong capital base and proven trustworthiness. In 1976, it was fully nationalized by the government of Afghanistan. Since its establishment, BMA is a leading banking in providing modern and secure banking services. Securing depositors' funds is the top priority of the bank. At the same time, the bank is contributing considerably to the development of manufacturing, agriculture, services, and international trade in the country. BMA is operating based on strong corporate governance principles, financial risk management and strict compliance to keep its credibility and trust. BMA has 17 city branches, 4 counters including main branch in Kabul and 22 provincial branches with 4 counters.